Sons' of the Vríddi -9 Dohála 2340. Part 2
The game definitely started to take a darker turn as the evening went on.
Part 2
Practice makes perfect, as someone once said, and both Horu
and Ghachayal had a lot of practice doing these types of jobs. Yet, something was bothering Ghachayal; why
should a lowly scribe be such a concern and require this attention? Wouldn't it
have been easier, and cheaper, if Agama had just gotten some toughs from the
marketplace to settle the matter? A few kaitars, a quick stab in the back when
Kageshi was making his way home one night, the obvious victim of a robbery. Normally,
Ghachayal didn't bother to ask why, or even expect an answer. When given a task
he saw it through and that was the end of it. Many things had changed in the
last few months, including it would seem himself. Lost in thought, Ghachayal
suddenly started, and almost fell from the palanquin. "You realise that
you've been set up" a voice had clearly said. A voice that didn't belong
to Horu, or anyone else Ghachayal knew. A voice he had never heard before. A voice that was cold and dry, that
pronounced each word with a strange inflection, and sent a chill down his
spine. Horu instantly responded to Ghachayal's start and scanned the inside of
the palanquin for any perceived threats. "Cousin, are you alright,"
he asked. To which Ghachayal responded:
"I think so. Did you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
"Nothing. I must be imagining things. I thought I heard
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The palanquin of Horu and Ghachayal. |
As the
palanquin continued on towards the clan house both occupants were so lost in
thought that they barely realised that they had returned home. Once there the
bearers were paid, plus a little extra to forget where they travelled today, and
Horu, Ghachayal, and their guards entered the Vríddi compound. The place was
abuzz with activity and excitement. Rumour had it that the venerable Agama's
son had been kidnapped earlier in the day, and that he had been killed by foreigners.
Who these foriegners were no one knew, but the consensus was that it wasn't
good for the clan, and that it certainly had something to do with the events in
Fasíltum. Horu and Ghachayal said nothing, but a nagging worry started to come
over them. They needed to find Quar and leave Púrdimal as soon as possible. This
brooding place was beginning to trouble them and the further away they were from
this city in the swamp the better. Hopefully cousin Autso had been able to
reach his contacts in the city and arrange a meeting. Someone must know where
this Gurrushégmesh had sold Quar, and to whom. They quickly made their way to
the bathing room, the smell of rot and ash laid heavily upon them after their
visit to corpse pit.
cleaned up, Horu and Ghachayal went into the garden to see if Dadayal was
there, which he was. After a quick exchange of pleasantries, the cousins sat
down, gave Dadayal the "token" –the scribes writing mat, and the three opened a bottle of the fine wine
purchased earlier by Horu. The details of their mission were relayed to
Dadayal, who was quite pleased and lavished praise upon the two. They had barely finished their first drink
when Omel hiFa'asu, the Major Domo of the house, announced that the Venerable
Agama hiViridame was at the gate as per the invitation from Dadayal. Agama was
shown in, met with grave concern by Dadayal and given a place of honour to sit.
The normally smiling face of Agama was a mask of concern. Dadayal commiserated
with the old man and showed an unusual amount of affection given their
differences in rank. The drink poured for Agama by Dadayal laid untouched
before him, and the attempt at small talk soon petered out.
"Oh! I
almost forgot." Dadayal suddenly and loudly proclaimed.
at what my cousins brought me. A gift." He stated while reaching behind
him and bringing forth the writing mat. The colour drained from Agama's face
when he saw it.
son is a scribe worthy Agama, is he not? Perhaps he can use it? Oh wait, it is
the missing son that is a scribe is it not?" Dadayal lowly and emotionlessly
stated. He went on: "It would seem that someone said some very unfortunate
things about my person and my cousins here had to have a gentle talk with him.
Coincidentally, this fellow happened to be a scribe, and he was so apologetic once shown the errors of his ways that he insisted that my cousins take this
mat as a token of apology. Isn't that so cousins?" Dadyal did not wait for
a response to his question.
simply cannot have people going about and saying things about their betters,
can one? The next thing you know these little pissants might even start to plot
against us, and that simply would not do at all, would it Agama?"
Venerable Agama, who was now visibly shaking, did not answer.
"I say
Agama, that simply would not do it all would it?"
silently nodded in agreement, his once proud shoulders slouched,
and his eyes registering defeat and despair.
see cousins, how wise is Agama. It is no wonder that someone of his station has
risen so high. Worthy Agama, have a drink. It really is very good wine. No? I
must insist that you join us in a
toast. To the Glory of the Flame Lord! To Mighty Vimúhla! Outalengba! And, to
the glory of his chief servants, to the Vríddi!"
Agama drank as ordered and quickly vomited
over his robes. The slaves started to go to his aid, but were stopped by
Dadayal. Agama made his apologies, asked to be excused, which he was, and began
to slowly make his way to the main entrance.
wait now Agama. The front door is friends of the Vríddi. Are you my friend
Agama? Are you our friend" Dadayal's gesture included Horu and Ghachayal
who were drinking their wine and intently looking at Agama, their hands slowly inching towards their
noble Dadayal hiVriddi. I am your friend" Agama quietly responded.
then you can leave by the front door" replied Dadayal.
Once Agama
had left the garden Dadayal burst into laughter and filled his wine glass. It
would seem, according to Dadayal, that Agama, sensing weakness, had begun to
plot against the Vríddi, and their continued presence in Púrdimal. He had
quietly, and discretely, or so he thought, leveled certain accusations against
the clan in general and Dadayal in particular. Hoping to benefit from the seizure
of the Vríddi's holdings in the city he set into motion a series of events
which, he believed, would spell the ruin of the clan in this part of the
Empire. Where his hatred of the Vríddi came from was not clear, but it had only
recently manifested itself. Unfortunately, for Agama, a senior member of the
Governor of Púrdimal's inner circle was an old boon companion of Dadayal's, and
of Uncle Kemuel, and had alerted him. A few coins and promises, and the
accusations had disappeared, much like Kageshi had, who by the way was actually
Kageshi hiViridame, not hiValkara, the oldest and favourite of Agama's five
children. A would-be-spy and gatherer of information, if Dadayal's sources were to be
believed. It was said that he often
masqueraded as a lowly scribe in an attempt to gather information that could be
used by his father, a member of a secret faction within the Temple of Vimúhla,
to further his, their, own ends. Now, if
things went as planned the other four would soon follow Kageshi into the
after-life leaving Agama isolated and weak. Once his humiliation was complete
he would also leave this sphere of existence Dadayal solemnly asserted. Agama
must die, but not quite yet. In the past he had often said that he wanted to
visit Fasíltum one day. Well that day was approaching quickly. No, if Dadayal
had his way the Venerable Agama would spend his days in the House of Endless Sorrow, followed by
disposal in a Tower
of Silence. Worm food
would be his ultimate destiny for raising his hand against the Vríddi.
Dadayal's enthusiasm seemed to verge on the hysterical as he laid out his plans
to the Sons' who, for their part, merely nodded and silently drank their wine.
To be continued...
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